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Wider Woodridge

Wider Woodridge is the umbrella term we use for our curriculum enrichment activities at school.


This includes our extensive calendar of trips, events and visitors, as well as special weeks such as Artsweek, Science Week and International Week.


In the last 30 minutes of each Friday afternoon, we mix the children up across the juniors for Wider Woodridge time. These are enrichment activities that go beyond the National Curriculum, run by teachers and support staff in small groups, for six weeks at a time. Examples of these activities are Lego Masters, origami, photography, yoga, sewing, card games and still life drawing.


On a Friday afternoon, as part of Wider Woodridge, groups of Year 6 children set up and run the Widerness Cafe on the green at the front of the school, selling drinks and cakes to the Woodridge Community. This is an opportunity to learning about business, money management and sustainability. It also raises funds to subsidise Wider Woodridge activities.

