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Curriculum Intention:

Our Geography curriculum is designed to encourage children’s curiosity about the wider world and its people. Children study a range of places including the local area, London, Britain and beyond. They develop their understanding and knowledge of the Earth’s physical and human processes through a range of topics. The children also develop their geographical skills which they can apply to communicate their findings in different ways. The school is lucky to have direct access to the ‘Woodridge’ Nature Reserve, where the children can carry out field work and develop a range of key skills.


Curriculum Implementation:

Geography is covered in a one week block in three half terms a year as part of our Wider World work. Each year group covers an aspect of local, national and international geography, with the countries selected providing a contrast to our own for comparison.  Teachers plan lessons which develop children’s learning and develop and range of geographical skills appropriate to their key stage, with maps skills being at the forefront. Some topics are linked to topics studied in History. Work is recorded in Wider World books. 


Many classes use the Woodridge Nature Reserve and the local area for example the river at Dollis Brook and the pond at Totteridge to develop key geographical skills which enhance and enrich the learning experiences of the children.  We have great access to London via the local tube and bus networks which allows for trips.


We also use a range of technology to help investigate places around the world using the class sets of Ipads to look at Google maps. 


Every year the school takes part in an International Week, with an International food event, where each class learns about a country.  A week of activities are planned to help the children become immersed in a different culture, including learning dances, tasting traditional foods and finding out what schooling would be like for the children in that country. The children enjoying sharing their own experiences with each other and parents are invited in to join the celebrations.


Big Blue Questions examples:



Blue Sky Thinkers:



Geography Subject Leader - Mrs Jo Glynn
