Curriculum Intention:
Our computing curriculum reflects the need to develop our students’ understanding through a modern and relevant education in computing. We aim to inspire creativity and computational thinking that will enable our students to become active participants in the digital world. The curriculum regularly revisits E-Safety, which reinforces the need to be responsible and respectful users who understand how to keep themselves and others safe online.
Curriculum Implementation:
Computing is taught in a one-week block each half term as a stand-alone subject for teaching computing skills discretely. This allows them to build upon their previous knowledge, developing their computational vocabulary. Nevertheless, there are regular opportunities for students to apply and develop what they have learnt as a cross-curricular link in other subjects.
The school has two class sets of Chromebooks and a set of Ipads on trolleys, allowing each child to have their own device for the lesson. This hardware also supports the use of technology across other areas of the curriculum.
The school follows an adapted and personalised version of the Purple Mash Computing curriculum, with work stored within the Purple Mash files and in Wider World books.
At Woodridge, we have a weekly I.T. club by an outside provider which the children are given the opportunity to join and extend learning. As well as this, we try to give the children opportunities to use other media devices, such as having a visitor in to show them how to use Virtual Reality headsets. This allows children to make cross-curricular links with other subjects.
Big Blue Question examples:
'How long should it take to make a computer game?’
Blue Sky Thinkers:
Tim Berners-Lee, Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage.
Computing Subject Leader - Mr Rory McCrann