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The Woodridge Curriculum

At Woodridge Primary, we endeavour to have a personalised curriculum that is broad, exciting, well sequenced and supplemented by Wider Woodridge activities, trips and visitors. This includes our Friday Wider Woodridge enrichment and the Widerness Café run by Year 6 children.
Our curriculum tries to make learning sticky, enabling all children to know and remember more, with adapted teaching for those children who need any additional support.
Within our curriculum there are two distinct Woodridge Golden Threads which reflect and enhance the cultural capital of our families and the local area:

  • Blue Sky Thinking, Blue Sky Thinkers and Big Blue Questions - this is in response to our parent community who have expressed the desire to push particularly high aspirations with their children
  • Diversity - to reflect the Wider World beyond Finchley in terms of different social and economic backgrounds, as well as different cultures, faiths and beliefs

We follow the National Curriculum across the subjects, along with the HEP PSHE and Wellbeing Framework for Primary Schools (2020) and Barnet Syllabus for Religious Education (2018). Our Year Group Curriculum Maps are below:
We believe that all children at Woodridge are entitled to the following wide range of opportunities in their time at our school:

Woodridge Pupil Entitlement

  • To take part in charitable events                                                  - To hold a position of responsibility in school
  • To learn a musical instrument                                                       - To have a speaking part in a production
  • To take part in forest school activities                                         - To work in the Widerness Cafe
  • To have a chance to be a Year 6 learning ambassador             - To visit a place of worship
  • To go on a theatre and concert trip                                              - To visit a museum
  • To sing in a music lesson or the school choir                              - To grow a plant
  • To learn some life skills                                                                   - To cook and eat nutritious food
  • To visit an art gallery                                                                       - To dress up for World Book Day
  • To take part in adventurous outdoor activities                          - To go on a school journey
  • To learn how to swim                                                                     - To go for a walk in the nature reserve
  • To go for a walk in the local area                                                  - To read a range of English books
  • To appear in the school newsletter                                              - To experience a wide range of sports
  • To take part in sports day                                                              - To take part in a wide range of clubs
  • To sing in a school performance                                                   - To learn how to ride a bicycle safely
  • To be part of a school house team                                               - To have work displayed around the school
  • To be a class monitor                                                                      - To take part in school workshops
  • To see a pantomime                                                                       - To have a non-school uniform day
  • To raise money for charity                                                             - To learn a modern foreign language
  • To take part in a class assembly                                                   - To take part in a dance festival
  • To take part in the music festival                                                  - To work alongside an expert