Woodridge Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the physical, mental and emotional welfare of every pupil, both inside and outside of the school premises. We implement a whole-school preventative approach to managing safeguarding concerns, ensuring that the wellbeing of pupils is at the forefront of all action taken.
Our policy sets out a clear and consistent framework for delivering this promise, in line with safeguarding legislation and statutory guidance. It will be achieved by:
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Headteacher, Colin Dowland. In the absence of the DSL, child protection matters will be dealt with by the Deputy DSL, Co-Headteacher, Laura Monro. Nicky Wheatcroft and Sasha Sperber are also Level 3 trained Safeguarding Officers. Interim Co-Headteacher Chris Donaghy is also a Deputy DSL.
The designated Safeguarding Governor is Chair of Governors, Louise Ross.