Curriculum Intention:
At Woodridge Primary School, we deliver a dynamic and varied PE curriculum which aims to provide our children with the skills and understanding required to make a positive impact on their own physical and emotional health, social skills and well-being. The children are taught a wide variety of sports and associated skills, whilst learning how to use the equipment and apparatus safely.
Our PE curriculum aims to develop the children’s knowledge and enjoyment of physical activity, whilst promoting the values of co-operation, resilience, courage and problem solving.
Our PE curriculum, along with PSHE and science, teaches our children about the importance of healthy living and the need for good nutrition. We hope that this, combined with understanding the importance of physical activity, will benefit their long term health, fitness and wellbeing.
Curriculum Implementation:
PE at Woodridge is taught by a combination of class teachers and a qualified PE coach. We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. Children have equal opportunities to take part in a range of sports and physical activities within a supportive environment, where effort as well as success is recognised.
All children are provided with two hours of structured PE lessons per week and are encouraged to take part in physical activities and games at both break and lunch times. All year groups from Years 1 to 6 are taught gymnastics, dance, athletics, outdoor adventurous activities (forest school activities) and games throughout their time at Woodridge. Games includes net wall games (such as tennis), striking and fielding games (such as rounders and cricket) and invasion games (such as dodgeball, basketball, tag rugby, football, hockey and netball). Through this variety of sports, children gain experience of a range of fundamental skills, focused on agility, balance, coordination and fitness. Children take part in individual skills, group skills and team games, using PE equipment appropriate for their age.
In lower key stage two, children also take part in a series of structured swimming lessons, in order to meet the National Curriculum requirement of being able to swim 25m by the end of year 6.
At Woodridge, we provide ample opportunities for children to further develop their physical education through a number of in and after school clubs. Children have the ability to take part in football, multi-sports, gymnastics and Enjoy A Ball.
PE Subject Leader - Mr George Mapes