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The Woodridge Together Fund

The Woodridge Together Fund

We have received bleak indications on the school’s funding position for next few years, leaving us with a deficit budget.  With the government’s latest funding formula, small schools with a demographic such as Woodridge receive proportionally less funding than other schools.  Despite the school’s progress in closing our current funding gap, without your generous contributions we face increasing class sizes and the potential loss of our brilliant and committed staff. Also, under threat are our ‘Wider Woodridge’ extra-curricular activities and our ability to upkeep and upgrade key ICT facilities, a key resource for learning.  Please be assured that all schools are in a similar position and we were one of the last schools locally to adopt the approach of directly appealing for parental support. 


We are therefore asking you to donate to the Woodridge Together Fund (WTF) which is overseen by the Woodridge School Association (WSA).  We recognise that not all parents will be able to afford this but hope you will contribute as much as you can.  The Woodridge Together Fund has a huge positive impact on the day to day running of the school and the offer we can provide to the children at Woodridge. 


Below are the letters and forms for making donations, together with a Gift Aid form.  Remember that 100% of money donated goes towards the maintenance of your children’s school and donations can be boosted via Gift Aid.  Should you prefer a “one off” payment form, that is below too.  Thank you in anticipation of your help. 


The Governing Body of Woodridge Primary School.
